Soothing the Itch

Posted 9 years, 32 weeks ago.

Earlier this year, Russell Ivanovic convinced me that I needed to add a new show to my repertoire. It didn’t take much, really; I’ve wanted something new for a while, but I just didn’t know what it would be. Over the next few weeks we tossed around the idea of what the show might actually be, but it wasn’t until we decided on the idea of a short, focused show about a single topic that I really got that interested.

Today we’ve announced Topical, and released episode zero. It’s funny to release it now, after having recorded several more. There’s still a lot of upheaval and change going on while we find our rhythm, but it’s all exciting. Personally, I feel like the direction we’re going has potential, and maybe we’ll get to talk about things that don’t get much attention in our little world. Maybe we’ll get to talk about some things that are entirely stupid. Who knows.

If you’ve joined us for the ride, thanks! We appreciate your support and are crazy excited (we’ve been chatting about stats all day like giddy school girls), but most of all, we really hope you enjoy what we’ve got planned. If you haven’t listened yet, you can subscribe in Pocket Casts, iTunes, Overcast, directly via the RSS feed, or even via Twitter.
