Hourly Comic Day 2020

Posted 5 years, 5 weeks ago.

I didn’t do Hourly Comic Day in 2019 due to, well… forgetting… but I was totally prepared to do it this year.

7:00am; Panel 1: Close up of Jelly, just waking up. Turbo V.O.: MROWR. MROWR. Panel 2: Jelly has rolled all the way over into Mel's side of the bed for cuddles. Turbo V.O.: MROWR. MROWR.  Jelly V.O.: The call of the hungry house cat. Panel 3: A very angry cat (Turbo). Turbo: MROWR. Panel 4: Mel has left the bed, and Jelly is now laying on his back in the centre. Jelly V.O.: Maybe Mel can have a sleep-in for once.8:20am; Panel 1: Jelly sits cross-legged on a couch cushion, eating a bowl of cereal with a spoon. Jelly V.O.: Breakfast on the couch, watching a Bon Appetit video about eggs. Panel 2: A baby, Zephyr, lies on the floor under a TV, with toys around her. TV: This egg is egg shaped. Jelly V.O. Zeph totally loves it… and I somehow hate eggs even more now.9:39am; Panel 1: Jelly is standing in the shower, brushing his teeth. Jelly V.O.: Showered. Hair washed. Teeth brushed. Panel 2: Jelly stands in a triumphant pose, his hands resting on his hips. Around him are sparkles and text, reading: So fresh! So clean! Smells vaguely decent! Jelly V.O. Ready for whatever today's adventures throw at me.10:25am; Panel 1: Jelly and Melissa walking, while Jelly pushes a pram, sith Zephyr's hand reaching out. Zephyr: Gurgle! Jelly V.O.: First adventure of the day… is to head into Civic… Panel 2: Jelly is raising a box over his head in a pose reminicent of Legend of Zelda. Music: Da na na naaah! Jelly V.O.: And spend altogether too much money on a new iPad Pro.11:40am; Panel 1: Jelly reaches to put petrol in a car, his lower half melted into a puddle on the ground. Jelly V.O.: It is really friggin' hot outside today.1:53pm; Panel 1: Jelly sits cross-legged on a couch cushion, eating a bowl of food. Jelly V.O.: Lunch… on the couch… watching a Bon Appetit video about lasagna. Panel 2: Jelly places his empty bowl into the dishwasher. Jelly V.O.: I am sensing a theme to this day.2:45pm; Panel 1: Jelly helps baby Zepyr to drink from a cup. Jelly V.O.: Mel's gone for a nap, and Zepyr is up from hers. We're practicing drinking from a cup.3:40pm; Panel 1: Jelly holds an iPhone in front of baby Zephyr. Jelly V.O.: Having a quick FaceTime call with Nanna. Panel 2: Jelly holds the iPhone as Zephyr rushes out of frame. Jelly V.O.: If we can get Zeph to stay still for two seconds.4:45pm; Panel 1: A whole, frozen chicken from the supermarket, wrapped in plastic. Jelly V.O.: I'd planned on roasting a chicken for dinner. It's still frozen, though. Panel 2: Melissa turns from her iPad, to speak to Jelly who sits alongside her drawing on his own iPad. Melissa: You'll need to find something else to write your comics about. Jelly V.O.: I feel personally _attacked_.5:35pm; Panel 1: Zephyr, sitting in her high-chair, eating a piece of broccoli. The tray is covered in sauce and carrot sticks. Jelly V.O.: Zephy loves dinner, but gosh is it MESSY! (Tonight's menu was roast broccoli and carrot dipped in pasta sauce.)6:27pm; Panel 1: iPhone, showing a screen that reads 'Dad calling.' Jelly V.O.: When Mum goes out during the evening, my Dad tends to get a bit lonely. So he gives me or my sister a call. Panel 2: Jelly is twisted in knots, holding Zephyr in one arm while trying to hold his phone to his ear with the opposite hand. Jelly V.O.: His timing is always impeccable.7:40pm; Panel 1: Jelly is slumped into the couch, with his feet on the coffee table, and holding a PlayStation controller in his hands. Jelly V.O.: Time for some Witcher 3 while Mel puts Zeph to bed.8:35pm; Panel 1: Jelly stands at the fridge, holding the door open and looking pensive. Jelly V.O.: Ok, so the chicken is still a giant ice block… Panel 2: A frying pan filled with pasta sauce simmers, while a pot of pasta boils in the background. Jelly V.O.: …so pasta for dinner, then.9:25pm; Panel 1: Jelly sits cross-legged on a couch cushion, eating a bowl of food. Jelly V.O.: Dinner on the couch… Panel 2: A TV on the wall displays the title card for It's Alive! with Brad Leone. Jelly V.O.: Trifecta complete! Plus 100 XP10:49pm; Panel 1: Jelly leans back and stretches. Jelly V.O.: I'm wrecked. Time to pack it in for the night. Panel 2: Jelly flops out across the bed, face first, in a starfish pose. FLOOMP! Jelly V.O.: Good night!

Other Posts in this Series

  1. Hourly Comic Day 2018
  2. Hourly Comic Day 2020 (This Post)